Can Dogs Eat Pistachios?

With their unique flavor and delightful crunch, pistachios are a favorite treat for many of us. But with such a popular snack, it’s only a matter of time before the following happens to you:
You're seated comfortably, enjoying a handful of these tasty nuts, when your pup sidles up with his irresistible, pleading eyes.
Naturally, you wonder … can you share this delightful treat with your four-legged friend? Can dogs eat pistachio nuts?
The short answer is yes, dogs can technically eat pistachios. But due to their high fat and salt content, they should only be fed rarely and in moderation. Otherwise, they carry certain risks.
There’s much more to the story, so let’s dive into everything you need to know about pistachios for dogs.
Are Pistachios Safe For Dogs?
In small amounts, fed rarely, pistachios are safe for dogs. So as long as you feed them in moderation, they’re not toxic to dogs.
However, like all nuts, pistachios are high in fat and can lead to obesity or other problems if consumed in large amounts.
Salt and other flavorings can cause further problems, so if you decide to share these nuts with your dog It's always best to ensure they’re unsalted and free from flavorings or coatings.
Pistachio Benefits For Dogs
Despite their risks, it’s not all bad news when it comes to pistachios for dogs. Pistachios actually come with their fair share of health benefits.
Potassium Powerhouse
Pistachios are a particularly good source of potassium. With 285 milligrams of potassium per ounce pistachios are the richest of all nuts when it comes to this key mineral.
Potassium plays a key role in maintaining proper muscle function, regulating fluid balance, and supporting nerve cell function in your pup.
For dogs, adequate potassium intake is also crucial for heart health, as it aids in maintaining a consistent heartbeat.
Potassium can also help your dog’s muscles recover after exercise.
Brain-Boosting B6
Pistachios are a valuable source of B-vitamins, predominantly B6.
B-vitamins are often associated with energy, but they have important neurological function. For example, vitamin B6 is integral for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers of the brain. This vitamin helps in maintaining proper brain function, and may even support mood regulation.
Not to mention, B6 plays a role in protein metabolism, red blood cell formation, and it aids in the function of enzymes and proteins involved in various physiological reactions – all vital for your dog's overall well-being!
Are Pistachios Bad For Dogs? Pistachio Risks
So pistachios have their benefits. But you also don’t want to go overboard when it comes to sharing these nuts with your dogs.
Pistachios should never be a staple food in your dog’s diet, and should only be fed rarely and in moderation.
Why? If overfed, they actually carry a few risks for dogs:
- High Fat Content: As mentioned, the high fat content in pistachios can lead to obesity and pancreatitis if dogs consume them in large quantities. Pancreatitis is a serious condition and symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
- Aflatoxins: Like many nuts, pistachios can sometimes contain aflatoxins, which are harmful compounds produced by certain molds. If dogs ingest too much aflatoxin, it can result in fatigue, sluggishness, stomach disturbances, and even seizures.
- Digestive Upset: Some dogs might not digest pistachios well, leading to stomach upset or diarrhea. This can be do to either the high fat content, aflatoxins, or other characteristics of the nut.
Can Dogs Eat Pistachio Shells?
No, dogs can not eat pistachio shells. In addition to the risks above, there’s also the chance your dog eats pistachio shells.
Pistachio shells can pose a choking hazard and can also be quite sharp, potentially causing damage to your dog's intestines if ingested.
Pistachio shells don't contain any nutritional value for your pet … and they’re also where the aflatoxins mentioned earlier grow. So if you decide to share pistachios with your dog, ensure they are shelled first.
How Many Pistachios Can A Dog Eat?
So what’s the bottom line? Do the benefits of pistachios for dogs outweigh the risks, or vice versa? And if you do decide to share these nuts with your dog, how many pistachios can a dog eat?
All good questions. Ultimately, if you choose to give your pup some pistachios, it's up to you to use discretion and moderation.
Here’s what we’d recommend:
- For small dogs, a single pistachio once in a while is more than enough.
- For medium to large-sized dogs, two to three pistachios on rare occasions should be the limit.
These might seem like very small amounts, and they are. It’s best to err on the side of caution given the risks explored earlier.
Some dogs owners may opt not to feed pistachios at all, which is also understandable. There are plenty of other ways to get potassium and B vitamins that are less risky and better-tolerated by dogs.
That said, if your dog eats a pistachio or two every once in a blue moon, it’s also unlikely to cause serious issues. Just observe him for signs of gastrointestinal upset and pancreatitis, like diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.