Can Dogs Eat Pears?

Julia Henriques
can dogs eat pears

If you like pears, you may be wondering if your dog can share this delicious fruit too. 

The good news is that, in most cases, dogs can eat pears safely. 

However, as with any new food, you need to know the benefits and risks before you give your dog a taste.

Can Dogs Eat Pears Safely?

Yes, dogs can eat pears safely. Pears are a great source of vitamins C and K, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which can provide numerous health benefits for your dog.

However, the type of pear matters. Many people wonder “can dogs eat canned pears?” In this case, the answer is no, dogs shouldn’t eat canned pears because, like most canned fruits, they often contain added sugars and preservatives. So it's best to stick with fresh, ripe pears as a healthy snack for your furry friend.

If your pup has diabetes, you might also wonder “can diabetic dogs eat pears?” Pears are generally safe for diabetic dogs to eat. They’re a low glycemic index (and low glycemic load) fruit, meaning pears only have a mild effect on blood sugar levels.

However, it's important to keep in mind that pears still contain natural sugars and should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

RELATED: What you need to know about diabetes in dogs ... 

Pear Risks for Dogs

While pears are generally safe for dogs, there are some risks to be aware of. 

The seeds and core of pears contain trace amounts of amygdalin, a toxin that can be harmful to dogs in large amounts. That’s why it’s safest to always remove the seeds and core before giving your dog a pear.

Sugar in pears can lead to weight gain and other health problems if your dog eats too much. So, as with any treat, it’s important to give pears to your dog in moderation.

Are Pears Toxic To Dogs?

No, pears are not toxic to dogs. 

However, as mentioned earlier, the seeds of pears and other fruits do contain a naturally occurring toxin called amygdalin. Amygdalin can react with stomach enzymes to release cyanide (a poison) in the gut. 

This means that eating large amounts of pear seeds or cores can cause stomach aches and  illness  in dogs … so avoid feeding your dog the seeds and cores. To be safe, you should only feed the flesh of the fruit to your dog. 

Pear Benefits for Dogs

Now that we’ve gotten the risks out of the way, let’s get to the good news: pears definitely have some perks for pups!

The fiber in pears can help prevent constipation and diarrhea, and keep your dog fuller for longer. If you’re trying to up your dog’s fiber intake, be sure not to skin the pear, as the skin is particularly fiber-rich (but wash it first, to get rid of herbicides on the skin). 

Pears are also packed with vitamins and antioxidants. They can help keep your dog's skin and coat healthy and shiny, so they look and feel their best. But more importantly, nutrients like vitamin C can support your dog’s immune system, making him less likely to catch colds and infections. Pears also contain vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting and bone health. 

Finally, the potassium in pears can support your dog's heart health, especially for older dogs or those with heart conditions. The copper in pears may also help your dog's body produce red blood cells and support his nervous system.

So if your pup is a pear lover, it's definitely worth considering adding this fruit to their diet for those extra benefits.

How to Feed Your Dog Pears

If you want to give your dog pears, opt for organic if possible. 

To prepare the pear, start by thoroughly washing it to remove any dirt, pesticides, or chemicals on the skin. Then cut the pear into small, bite-sized pieces. Make sure to remove the seeds and core, as mentioned earlier. 

You could also try pureeing the pears for a different texture.

When feeding your dog pears, you’ll want to introduce them into his diet gradually to avoid tummy upset. So just remember to start with small amounts and monitor your dog’s reaction before increasing the serving size.

Bottom Line | Can Dogs Eat Pears? 

With their many health benefits, pears can be a tasty and nutritious treat for your pup! Just keep in mind that they should be given in moderation and the seeds and core should be removed. Buy organic produce for your dog when you can, to avoid the risk of pesticides and herbicides. 


Still got questions? Here’s the bottom line on other common pear questions we get from dog owners…

Can Dogs Eat Canned Pears?
No, dogs shouldn’t eat canned pears. Canned fruits tend to have added sugars or preservatives which aren’t good for your dog. 

Can Dogs Eat Unripe Pears?
No, unripe pears are hard and can be difficult for dogs to digest. They may also contain high levels of tannins, which can cause upset stomachs.

Can Dogs Eat Cactus Pears?
Yes, dogs can eat cactus pears, but they should only be given in moderation. They are high in fiber and can help with digestion.

Can Dogs Eat Asian Pears?
Yes, dogs can eat Asian pears, which are high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. They can be given as a healthy snack in moderation.

Can Dogs Eat Pear Skin?
Yes, dogs can eat pear skin. It’s high in fiber and nutrients. Just make sure to wash the pear thoroughly to remove any pesticides or chemicals (and buy organic whenever you can).

Can Dogs Eat Pears From A Tree?
Yes, dogs can eat pears from a tree as long as they are ripe and not spoiled. However, it's important to remove the core and seeds, which can be harmful. And ideally, the pears should still be washed before feeding. 

Can Dogs Eat Pear Seeds?
No, pear seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide, which can be toxic to dogs if ingested in large amounts. It's important to remove the core and seeds before giving your dog a pear to eat.

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