What Is NASC?

The global pet supplements market was valued at $1.9 billion US in 2021 and that means there’s a lot of competition to capture consumer dollars through the marketing of good products … and bad.
But there’s a way to determine if the supplements you’re buying for your dog meet a level of safety and quality you can trust and depend on … and that’s NASC. And that’s why Four Leaf Rover, manufacturer of dog supplements, has become a NASC-certified company.
NASC's Role
National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) is a non-profit industry group that works with state, federal, and international agencies to create standardized regulations for the animal supplement industry. It’s dedicated to protecting and enhancing the health of companion animals and horses throughout the United States.
NASC was formed in 2001 to provide this high level of standardization when the multibillion-dollar animal health supplement industry was threatened by a complicated and erratic regulatory environment.
NASC Membership
Membership in NASC is voluntary. At present, Four Leaf Rover is one of 300 members in the US and internationally. NASC members manufacture, distribute, or sell animal supplements. They work to improve the quality and consistency of animal health supplements sold to pet owners. They also address important issues that affect the industry as a whole, with the ultimate goal of elevating industry standards, practices, and products.
Why Is NASC Important?
The NASC program is designed to help elevate the quality of the animal health supplement industry for the benefit of everyone including consumers and, more importantly, the animals themselves. It reinforces Four Leaf Rover’s commitment to provide pet owners with safe, high-quality pet supplements that will promote the health and wellbeing of their pets.
The National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) seal is a symbol of quality and safety in animal nutrition. Seeing this seal on an animal supplement tells you that the product not only meets the highest standards for quality but also has undergone rigorous testing and evaluation to ensure it's safe for your pet.
NASC Standards
The NASC Quality Seal on a product means it comes from a responsible NASC member company like Four Leaf Rover that has committed to meeting a set of standards that maintain quality and safety. Four Leaf Rover has undergone a third-party audit of its facilities, ingredients, and labeling, and has met NASC's strict guidelines.
NASC evaluates all aspects of animal supplement production including:
- Raw material sourcing
- Manufacturing processes
- Product labeling
- Advertising claims
- Product ingredients to verify they match those listed on the label
NASC also has a comprehensive audit program that helps to minimize and control risk by:
- Statistically tracking all product information
- Keeping the consumer educated with correct labeling information
- Making the consumer aware of any possible ingredient complexities with caution and warning statements
Criteria For The NASC Quality Seal
Four Leaf Rover met the following criteria for the ability to use the NASC seal on its products, websites, product literature and advertisements:
- The company must have a quality control manual in place that provides written standard operating procedures for production process control. This helps ensure the company is providing a consistent and quality product.
- The company must have an adverse event reporting/complaint system in place to continually monitor and evaluate products and ingredients.
- The company must follow proper label guidelines for all products and all forms of labeling.
- The company's product labels must include any specific warning and caution statements recommended by the Food & Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine and the NASC Scientific Advisory Committee for particular ingredients.
- The company must submit to random product testing by an independent lab to ensure ingredients meet label claims.
- Products with the NASC quality seal are sold by veterinarians, pet specialty stores, farm and tack stores, supermarkets, big-box stores, and online retailers.
Pet owners will see the benefits of NASC certification when they shop for supplements for their pets.
Benefits Of The NASC Quality Seal For Pet Owners
- Provides assurance that a product has been independently verified to meet high standards of safety and quality.
- Gives pet owners peace of mind and confidence that they’re purchasing a safe and reliable product.
- Can help distinguish a product from others on the market without the NASC seal.
- Protects pet owners from potential scams and false claims.
- Confirms the products are backed with reliable information and can be trusted to do what they claim.
When a company has achieved NASC certification, it has its own set of benefits.
The Value Of NASC Certification
Becoming NASC certified for pet supplements offers these additional benefits for manufacturers and pet owners:
Improves Confidence Of Pet Owners
NASC certification can serve as a seal of quality and safety for pet supplements, helping to build trust with pet owners.
Ensures Ongoing Compliance With Industry Standards
NASC certification requires that products meet certain standards for manufacturing and labeling, helping to ensure that pet supplements are safe and effective. Four Leaf Rover must submit to random product testing.
Facilitates Communication With Regulatory Agencies
Being NASC-certified can make it easier for manufacturers and distributors to communicate with regulatory agencies and answer any questions they may have about the products they produce or distribute.
Increase Brand Reputation
NASC certified companies are seen as leading and responsible industry leaders.
Access To Training And Information
NASC provides various educational and informative resources and opportunities for members like Four Leaf Rover to stay updated with industry trends and regulations.
Being a NASC certified company is a win-win for Four Leaf Rover, pet owners and most importantly, the pets using products with the NASC quality seal.